When to use a Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher

17 January 2023 in Building, Fire Protection

When to use a Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguisher


A dry chemical powder fire extinguisher is a type of fire extinguisher that uses a powder-based extinguishing agent to put out fires. These extinguishers are particularly effective on fires involving flammable liquids and gases, as well as electrical equipment.

The powder in a dry chemical extinguisher is typically made up of a mixture of monoammonium phosphate and ammonium sulfate. When this powder is released from the extinguisher, it creates a cloud that smothers the fire, cutting off its oxygen supply and putting it out.

One of the benefits of dry chemical powder fire extinguishers is that they can be used on multiple types of fires. They are effective on Class A, B, and C fires, which include fires involving ordinary combustibles, flammable liquids and gases, and electrical equipment, respectively.

The main disadvantage of dry chemical powder fire extinguishers is that they can leave a mess after they are used. The powder can be difficult to clean up, and it can damage electronic equipment if it is not properly removed. Additionally, dry chemical powder can be harmful to people with respiratory problems.

It’s important to use the right type of fire extinguisher for the specific type of fire. Dry chemical powder fire extinguishers should only be used on fires that are appropriate for them, and they should be handled and maintained according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

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